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CHRISTMAS PARTY & PRIZE GIVING - Saturday 9 December - The Theme is the letter "G"

Our Christmas party is next Saturday - it is a bit different this year... doors open at 11.00am. We'll enjoy drinks and nibbles, a committee skit, prize-giving, the parade (optional of course) and a song or two (which people can join in with if they wish). Then a delicious Christmas lunch followed by bridge, with pavlova, strawberries and cake to refresh us. We have our Christmas raffle with lots of great prizes, plus the fun spot-prizes during bridge. Everything will be wrapped up by 4:30pm. We are looking forward to a relaxed and fun day!

Tickets are $25 - available at the club before any session this week or sign-up through Hello Club.

In our recent member survey, a lot of people suggested we should have drawn partners for the Christmas party. In 2024 we will be doing that.

This year we will have a hybrid model. This is because some people have made a special arrangement for the Christmas party; while others, like me, have not arranged a partner and will be very happy to have their name in a hat. We will check with everyone as they arrive.

So... if you already have your ticket - great... and if not, it would be lovely to see you there...

Kind regards

Kate Terry

CHRISTMAS PARTY & PRIZE GIVING - Saturday 9 December - The Theme is the letter
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Posted: Wednesday 6 December 2023


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