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We are offering RealBridge sessions to club members - and visitors - who want to play this wonderful game from home. Session details will be shown on this page.

RealBridge Session  Date / Time Registration Link Player Link  Director

RealBridge Practice Tables

Any day/time

Hello Club / Calendar

Links will be emailed



Do you want to practice with your friends or play a social game with you friends? Book a RealBridge practice table.

How does it work?

  • Book a table for the day that you indent to play. 
  • You will allocated a RealBridge session with one table. 26 Boards will be available to play, you can stop whenever you like.
  • When the session has been setup, you will received an email containing the link to RealBridge. The session will "open" ready to you to use at a time of your choosing.
  • The table will remain for two days i.e. the day you intend to play plus one additional day to allow time for further analysis on the results.
  • You may cancel any time prior to playing, refunds will be issued.
  • If unforeseen circumstances occur and you were unable to play, contact Deidre or Mike and we can arrange an alternative session or a refund.
  • The RealBridge table will cost $12 per table (i.e. $3 per person). The person booking the table will be charged. It is up to that person to recover the costs from the other players.
  • Robots are not available in Real Bridge. You will need to arrange for friends to play with. 
  • Directors will not be available.
  • Masterpoints will not be available.
  • Support is not available, however you may contact Deidre or Mike. If we are available, we will endevour to help.

Where to book?

  • Log into Hello Club
  • The next few days of RealBridge bookings will appear on the Hello Club home page - click on the signup button.
  • If you want to book to sessions not yet shown on the home page, then navigate to the Calendar
    Go to the day to want to play and click on the event titled "RealBridge - Book a practice table". Signup from there.
  • If you do not have a Tauranga Hello Account or if you are not a member of the Tauranga Bridge Club. Contact Deidre or Mike to arrange the booking and payment.

When are the RealBridge practice tables available?

  • Real Bridge Practice occur any day of your choosing. 
  • You may play at anytime of your choosing throughout the day.
  • We would appreciate it if you could book prior to 7pm the day before you need the session. If you register after this time, please contact Deidre or Mike to ensure we don't miss your booking.
  • The clock is not on so you can take as long as you like to complete your boards.

 If you have any queries, issues or have a special request, please contact Deidre or Mike to discuss:

              Deidre      (027) 2401900
              Mike         (021) 1181294

Note: This is a new facility currently under trial. All feedback and suggestions are welcome.

For more information and their player guide check out the RealBridge website: RealBridge with Real People

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