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PRESIDENT'S UPDATE - Club Administrator update

This marks my first communication to you as your freshly elected Club President and happily it is to share some wonderful news with you!

This week we have employed David Fornusek as the new club administrator. David is a relatively new club member, having done the lessons this year, but has proven a very quick and eager student of the game!

He has vast experience in Treasurer and Secretary roles at several clubs and trusts, as well as running his own dental practice. We are confident his experience and ability to learn quickly make him an excellent fit for the role and we look forward to having him join the team.

David will begin learning the ropes immediately, thanks to the generosity of Tracey, and I’m sure he looks forward to getting up to speed and helping our club be the best it can be!


Mike Newton

PRESIDENT'S UPDATE - Club Administrator update
Tags: MoreNews  

Posted: Friday 1 December 2023


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