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What's New!: Committee Page is now secured

Hi everyone,

You may remember in December, that a new Committee page has been setup to enable the committee members to communicate and collaborate through the website. Security has now been added!.

The Committee pages have now been secured so the only people wo can view this website are the 11 Committee members plus or Club Administrator David. This facility will allow us to collaborate as a committee “team”.

To access this page, you will need to logon. Your email login email address and name have been set to be the same as your Hello club login details though the password will be different. You may not know your login password, please just use the ‘forgot password’ option to reset your password. If you have problems loging in, please call me on (027)240190 and I will try to help. You are welcome to set the website password to be the same as you hello club password.

The are two places to login. You can either click on the “login” at the top right of the home page … or… click on the Committee page and you will be presented with the login page.

I hope to add more collaboration features soon so watch this space! Meanwhile, please phone me if you are having any issues.

Technical speaking (for Mike and Kate’s benefit), this has been enabled by …. a new members group has been setup called “Committee”. The 11 committee members, plus David have been added to this group. The committee pages have been set so the pages only allow members who are part of the “Committee” group.

Happy bridging everyone!
(027) 2401900

Tags: Committee  

Posted: Thursday 4 January 2024


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