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President's Update: Happy New Year!

I hope you have had a fabulous Christmas and New Year with family and friends. I spent Christmas with family in Hawkes Bay and even played some mini bridge with my son Liam and my parents (none of who are bridge players). We then spent New Years tenting in Rotorua which involved much swimming, riding of bikes (including night riding in the forest with the wallabies) and an epic game of giant chess with Liam!

Tomorrow afternoon sees the resumption of our Holiday Bridge schedule at the club. If you've lost track of the days like I have tomorrow is Friday so the session will start at the usual time of 1pm. And of course don't forget that you don't need a partner as our lovely VP Karyl will be available as a standby player if there's an odd number. Next week we return to the full Holiday Bridge schedule of Monday night, Tuesday afternoon and Friday afternoon. All of these sessions will have a standby player available so no partner required.

Also don't forget the fantastic "Back to Bridge" seminars that Kate is spearheading for the next three weeks on Wednesday nights. The first of these is titled "'D' for Defence" which I think speaks for itself, and I know many of us feel that defence is the part of our game that could use some improvement! Cost is $8 with the session running from 7pm - 9:15pm. Log in to Hello Club and you will see the event on the home page where you can register. Alternatively reply to this email or contact the club or Kate directly and we will make sure you're registered.

Finally, don't forget to get your entry in for our Mini Congress over Anniversary Weekend at the end of the month. We have also had a request for accommodation from two Auckland ladies who have entered and were hoping somebody had space to billet them. If you think you might be able to assist please let me know ASAP so we can get back to them.

See you at the table soon!
Mike Newton - President

President's Update: Happy New Year!
Tags: MoreNews  

Posted: Friday 5 January 2024


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