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Club Captain's Update: POT-LUCK PAIRS and RUBBER BRIDGE

Can I draw your attention to two upcoming events which you may not know much about?

Thursday March 14 is a one-night Pot-Luck Pairs event…you don’t need a partner…one will be arranged for you. This is a FUN evening, and for those of you who decide to bring and share a bottle of wine, we shall provide the glasses. If there is interest, we might even review a few hands.

New Zealand Bridge and the Waikato-Bays Region also support RUBBER BRIDGE….a knock-out tournament runs in our Region for the next 6 months (each round is played at a mutually convenient time and place once a month). The winners from each Region play off in the Finals at National Congress in September/October. An introductory session, to explain Rubber Bridge, its scoring and its different strategy, is being offered at both Matamata (March 24) and Rotorua (April 21), each starting at 10 a.m. If anyone is interested and needs more information, please let me know.

Happy bridging….
Hugh McAlister
Club Captain

Club Captain's Update: POT-LUCK PAIRS and RUBBER BRIDGE
Tags: Home Members  

Posted: Tuesday 31 December 2024


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