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President's Update: Monday lunchtime session and 1+3 teams

After a fun and very successful week at the Gold Coast Congress it's back to reality and a busy week next week!

Our weekly lunchtime club session kicks off for the year on Monday. This session is every Monday starting at 11am and stopping for lunch in the middle. We then aim to finish between 2 and 2:30pm. I am available to answer all of your questions and assist with bidding and there is no timer running so we have plenty of time to discuss hands. No partner is required for this session. This session is ideal for social players and junior/intermediate players looking to improve their game.

Also on Monday but in the evening is our inaugural 1+3 teams event. This format has proven very popular at other clubs and sees 1 experienced player as a mentor in a team with 3 less experienced players. Three teams matches of 8 boards are played with the mentor rotating around to play with all three of their team mates. A fantastic opportunity to get to play with a top player!

It is not too late to enter a team, if you're keen to participate but need some help finding team mates let us know and we will do our best to put a team together for you. In fact I am currently unattached so if there are any junior players keen to team up with me sing out!

And lastly we have our beginner lessons starting next week and we are thrilled to report a huge turnout for this years lessons. I look forward to starting them on their Bridge journey next week and I'm sure you all look forward to welcoming them along to our club sessions later in the year!

Mike Newton - President
021 1181294

President's Update: Monday lunchtime session and 1+3 teams
Tags: Home Members  

Posted: Monday 4 March 2024


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